
Fice Srbija

Association of professionals for children and family support

Association of professionals for children and family support “FICE Serbia” was founded on August 13th 2003, on Zlatibor, as a national network of institutions and organizations (with their employees) in the field of institutional child and youth care in Serbia. „FICE SRBIJA“ was founded with support of „FICE International“, international network of organizations for child and youth wellbeing on five continents. Earlier, for a long period of time, member of „FICE International“, from its foundation in 1948, was also „Community of children’s homes of Yugoslavia“ („ FICE Yugoslavia“) In 2000 Ministry of labor employment and social policy got invitation of „FICE international“, and send a large group of professionals and children from institutions all around Serbia at „PEACE CAMP“ which was organized in Hungary at Balaton Lake. Beside representatives from Serbia at this conference participated also FICE Section from Europe and world, and for the first time after long period of time representatives of institutions from the countries of former Yugoslavia. Foundation of „FICE Srbija“, as well as other sections of „FICE“ in ex Yugoslavia republics was part and outcome of the „FICE International“ project : „Dialogue South East Europe“, which lasted six years (2000-2006.) and which main goal was to establish torned connections and cooperation between professionals, residential facilities and organizations in the field of institutional children and youth protection in the region. First title of our association was: Association for support of children in out of family upbringing FICE SRBIJA“, which was changed (members suggested that) and put more in compliance with ongoing changes and rephorm processes in the social care system in our country. In accordance with characteristics of membership, which also changed during years (more and more the members of „FICE Srbija“ became centers for social work, centers for foster care and adoption, different kind of shelters for children…) our organization adopted new name and supplement mission an vision and went, according to Law, through process of preregistration. In 2011 „FICE Srbija“was registered at Serbian Business registry agency as association of professionals for children and family support. Collective members of „FICE SRBIJA“ are: Homes for children and youth without parental care, Homes for children and youth with developmental difficulties Correctional institutes SOS children villages Centers for social work (with their programs and services) Centers for foster care and adoption Institutes for social protection It is also possible to be individual member of „FICE Srbija“, and there are people who are active in our organization who adopted our mission and vision even if they do not work in institutions and organizations which are our collective member. There are even members who do not even work in social care field.

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